Hampton, Virgina

Hampton was a really fun place with lots to do. Since it was almost October 31st we did stuff related to Halloween. The first thing we did was the Hampton Horror Tours, it was really exciting. What happened was, they took us around the town and actors would act out the tragedies of Hampton, then we would vote if the spirits would stay in the physical realm or get to leave. They yelled  a lot and I don’t know what the people just walking around where thinking was going on. We also went on a haunted carousel, because it came with the walk. It was pretty cool, apparently it was built a long time ago and it’s super old. The next day I went trick or treating in Hampton, it was actually more fun than I thought it was going to be. There were almost no kids where we went to trick or treat so they gave me lots of candy, it was awesome. We left the next day and never got to swim in the pool but Hampton was still really cool.